It is not a good morning if Ryuuko won't wake me up.
>>3312112I once played wierd in wierd anime mod for Dota 2 as her. She's was basically the Legion Comander there.
I just can't image her wisting 4chan sry.
Blush and complain on perverts.
>>3312113Burning charcoal.
Rough, a little bit dark, flames with passion.
Also incredibly hot.
Drawfags like to draw her in different clothes a lot, so it's fair to say that she is /fa/ af.
Silver Chariot
I told a couple of friends I trust about my experience on /c/.
>>3312139I heard that her anime is awesome, watched it, liked it and then kind of forgot about it for a while. Then suddenly I had just the most wholesome romantic dream about me and her. So yeah, that's how I got here.
>>3312141>Police girlI see you are the man of great taste.
>>3312293Definitely one to encourage, but sometimes she needs that herself.
>>3312363Hello Urabefriend
>>3312352I can't really give it to her due to the sertain... complications. Any gift from her would be a blessing though.