>>3658441She is in Chrom's army if that counts.
>>3658443She uses a hex to make them forget what they just saw.
>>3658446When Chrom invaded Plegia to save her sister but Tharja join Chrom's army because she does not like Plegia's ruler.
>>3658480We're both anti-social but Tharja is the more extreme anti-social person while I'm not as anti-social as her but still am.
>>3658506Her arms crossed closed just like her Awakening portrait and biting her thumb nail in pic related.
>>36585301. Yes
2. Neither prideful or humble
3. Would use her hexes to get her color eyes back.
>>3658532Find someone to unleash her worst hexes, worst case scenario.
>>3658610Metal. No she isn't.
>>36586151. Horror movies
2. Dinner
>>3658653Eel and octopus
>>3659336Don't have a romance movie that I like
>>3659337Me and I try to create a NPC like Tharja if that's a option.
>>3659339A hug