Quoted By:
>enjoying comfy monster grill thread
>notice tingly sensation on my right arm
>look over
>massive fucking spider crawling on me
>literally scream in horror while violently shaking it off my arm
>run over to turn on light
>it vanished
>spend twenty minutes searching room for it
>start to wonder if I just had a paranoid hallucination since this happened the exact same way with a centipede last week, and I almost drank a dead moth in my tea a few days ago
>see it moving under my bed
>watch it magically vanish somewhere into the junk under my bed as I try to grab a paper to smash it
>not comfy anymore
Why do you guys want to have sex with these things? They're absolutely terrifying.
Why can't you just be into wholesome and gentle naked cuddling with an ogre?