It occured to me that I forgot to answer my own question about proposal, our big moment would be on the deck of the Lumina Draconis. While flying all around the world and seeing all the wonders her world has to offer, holding her in my arms, I would wait until her eyes get heavy and her head begins to slump onto my shoulder, and only then would I turn my head just the tiniest bit to look into her eyes, turn her around to face me, and get down on one knee. The look of shock and embarrassment would be heartwarming, and after she tries her hardest to get out the words "fine, the great Rutee-sama will marry you, but only if you promise to be a good husband" with tears streaming down her face, I would quickly slip on her ring and before the tears obscure her view completely, we would share a kiss that lasts as long as time itself, half a mile up in the air overlooking her hometown.
>>3564438She'll never glomp my Rutie, Escape!
>>3564470Finding Nemo or Up, but I would make her watch Monsters Inc. until she appreciated it as much as I do.
>>3564482I spend a lot of time posting in Tales threads on /v/, and for the longest time I had at least an interest in Rutee simply for her design. A few months ago when I first started Destiny DC that interest kept growing and growing as she kept entering my thoughts, and in September it came to a head as I realized I was having anxiety over not spending time with her or talking about her. Suddenly I felt terrible about lewding her and I just wanted to tell the whole world how much she means to me. I found myself able to go beyond my limits and accomplish things my brain wouldn't let me otherwise simply because I wanted to do those things for her. She entered my heart at such a terrible place in my life and singlehandedly pulled me out of it. I owe everything to her and that's why I don't think I could ever stop loving her even if I wanted to.