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What's up guys, it's been quite a while! Thought I'd start off with a new writefag!
>You walk into the fancy dining room, wondering where the hell everyone is
>There’s only a lonely Ryuko sitting down and picking at dinner
>You’re Anonymous, Mako’s older cousin
>Your parents died in a car accident just a few months ago
>Being the nice family they are, the Makanshokus happily took you in
>Mako introduced Ryuko to you a couple of weeks ago
>Thought nothing of it at first, you’ve heard your fair share of rumors
>Time went on and you began to admire her
>Watching her quest inspired you to keep fighting
>She was a light that pushed the da
>As weeks passed you wanted to be around her more often
>Just recently, Ryuko founded the Fight Club to assist her in getting to Satsuki
>As the victories continued, so did the family’s royalty
>Soon you found yourself living in a mansion
>With everyone gone for the night (probably loving the wealth) you take advantage and sit down next to her
>Her eyes seem to sparkle just for a moment when she finally notices you
>”Anon? What are you doing here?”
>”You looked lonely; thought I’d eat with you.”
>”Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
>You blink, annoyed. “What are you talking about?”
>She looks back down at her picked dinner
>”The last time I ate alone was when…” She tells her story about how she never ate with her family in the past
>”Besides, wouldn’t you rather be basking in the lap-of-luxury right now?” She asks
>”This rich lifestyle is great and all... but being around you is better.”
>She puts down her fork. “What do you mean by that?”
>”I mean that I already HAD everything I wanted… just by living with you.”
>You almost see a blush on her face. “...Eh? Why is that?”
>You tell her about all the admiration you have for her and that you want to get to know her a bit more
>”If you want to know, then…” she stands up. “We need to go for a ride.”