>>3366665The author's artstyle changes slightly over the manga. I prefer his earlier artstyle, but I don't hate the later one. She feels more expressive later on, but that might just be her changing as a character.
I like the art in her anime the best.
>>3366781Oh man, where do I begin?
>>3366808Her cheek, but I'd love to see her real mole.
>>3366869If we're earlier in the relationship, she'd stop me. If she's more comfortable with kissing, she'd just kiss back.
>>3366880Losing or hurting me.
>>3367070She just sleeps and watches TV.
It'd be hard for her to adapt, since she's very active and can't do the athletic activities she loves. She'd feel pretty bad about that.
Depends on the circumstances. She's an understanding person, but she doesn't forgive so easily either.
>>3367230>youtube channel?Cooking.
>arcade?Light guns.
>critterA honey bee.
>creature?A lynx.
>candid photo?Her smiling.
>size difference?I'm a bit taller than her. I like it.
>assertive?She's quick to stop me if I get too assertive, but she might get bored if I stop trying.