Since the pcloud traffic limit appears to be a problem, I decided to upload the folder to Google Drive, I won't delete the pcloud at least for now, I'll keep them both up to date. Drive link: pcloud traffic limit resets monthly, so hopefully on the first of september it'll be available, link: reason I'm not using mega again (even without the lewds), is that I'm pretty sure it would just get reported for ban avoidance or making multiple free accounts and deleted. I didn't share the link to the first one outside of /a/ and /c/, so I'm assuming the guy who reported the first mega is from here and would thus find any subsequent megas. I am also a little butthurt at New Zealand.
A fun little thing I noticed is that pic related looks like the way neko nuko looked in SS chapter 13, there are so many things from tkmiz's twitter art that make their way to their manga, it's cool.