>>3510205>I always like seeing waifufriends learning to draw their waifu, it further motivates me to try my best as well.Same. Any artist can draw a character but watching one draw their own love is beautiful and inspiring. I love it.
>>3510286Taekwondo. In her content, whenever she doesn't have her spear, she kicks the shit out of her enemies.
>>3510001>Fun FactShe can control the wind and nature, despite how she's never shown doing so. The manga's and official artwork of her reboot show this.
>>3510313I recall reading your posts. Your wife seemed suspicious as heck, but to my own surprise, the first trial culprit was;
Spoiler Start;
Spoiler End.
On that note, I've just started the second chapter.
>It's a great way to get to know somebody better, and it'd be an honor to be one of the first people to see some of her unfinished projects.Are you a reader in general then? Perfect. That's the only word I can come up with if that's the shared mutual interest. One more unrelated note. Calling Junko a braindead whore on chapter one caught me by surprise. I ended up laughing my ass off. I didn't know your wife was the BASED type of introvert with no filters.
>>3510346>KritaRight on.
>EyesI'd testify but looking back at your art shows you know what you're doing. Starting with the head and general screws me over which is why I've started with the torso. Clearly we're on the path to our very own "style". There was something else I wanted to say to you but this intoxicated mind just can't recall...
>>3510383I don't know. I only open /c/ to come here.
>>3510397No. At the moment, she's getting her content rebooted but only the OG's will flock to it. Something completely new like my wife being in, say, something like Nitroplus Blasterz hasn't happened yet. She has an RPG on the PSP but it's mostly influenced by her franchise.