>>4230794Okay okay I'll play along since everyone is too.
1. Close to 6 years.
2. No.
3. Yes. We have bonded together and my life is pretty much linked with her's as it is on other relationships.
4. Staying true to Neptune for as long as I live, that's the noblest and largest thing I can do for her. Although I've messed around with plenty of those AI things, they've got a ways to go. I wouldn't say no to, say, an AI version of her, but it'd have to come with lots of reflection.
5. They don't need to know
6. "I'm very happy with how I'm right now."
7. Positive, I don't know if I'd be still here if it wasn't for her (as cliche as it sounds).
8. We're pretty different people at least when it comes to upbringing and worldviews. Our worlds are just very different. I think she'd understand and empatize, and I try to be more positive for her. And in general, I feel like Nep not being present physically is a challenge too, but one that's easily solved.
9. Don't consider them at all.
10. No and no.
11. Neptunia is just about popular enough to get fanmade and official translations, it's no big deal. Neptune herself is not Japanese but from a nation called Planeptune.
12. I think it's completely different from a sexuality. I don't think it will ever be accepted as a normal thing because being in love with someone who doesn't exist in our world is hard to take seriously if you haven't experienced.
13. No. I'm just a man in love with woman, even if she's not present in our reality that's not comparable to the experience of those in the LGBT+ community. Nobody really discriminates against or makes fun of us in the same way they make do with LGBT people, where there's usually actual hatred involved compared to people just thinking it's a joke.
14.Dunno what you want me to say, there's cool people of all shapes, genders and stuff.
15. Only if presented with appropriate context, that is, each answer presented fully alongside the question and as written here.