>>3899332She might, but she already lives in a world with absolutely monstrous fighters so the novelty factor would be diminished quite a bit.
>>3899566There is no way I could keep up with her in exercise, even if I were in much better shape than I am. I don't know what I could do that wouldn't just drag her down. Her bar is much much higher than mine, unfortunately. It's not like I don't try, or wouldn't try, but she's just well beyond human physically.
>>3900026I have a few internet friends I've talked with regularly for years now, so it's not all that hard to imagine. I've never fallen in love with one obviously but I can imagine how it might be if it went that route.
>>3900540Given how much she likes music I'd guess she'd want some means to play it, and I guess more batteries/whatever power source for it.
>>3901107Convincing her friend to watch a scary movie with her so she could see her get scared, only to end up being the one to get scared herself.
>>3901142You could possibly start doing some light cardio exercise, only as much as you can handle. I have a shitty heart myself, though it isn't life-threatening, I jog a lot to help with it. Consistency > intensity when it comes to exercise so just make sure to do it regularly and avoid pushing yourself too hard.
>>3901346She probably would, I don't think she'd like the bitterness of it.
>>3901445Angry chickens are best dealt with through vigorous application of headpats and/or cheek pinching as needed