It's been a long time coming, but we did it /c/omrades. It was back in the summer of 2011 when these threads first began - I came to /c/ at a time of great pain in my life, hoping to find some kind of distraction in whatever cloying images made me feel happy. Instead, I found a community made up of the most amiable, good-hearted posters of any board on this site. As I mentioned previously, the community that has grown around our favorite tea-drinking princess embodies everything we adore about Mugi. Everyone who contributes should know that they bring with them a genuine warmth that has become a haven for us, even on our worst days. A decade of spreading the love, unhindered by time or change. We've seen so many talented artists, anons sharing their stories, and heartwarming tributes to a character that has brought so many of us together.
It's the reason I keep coming back, and it's all thanks to you.
You're the best of us, and you have my sincerest thanks. I know Mugi would be proud.
Previous thread:
>>3945177Here's to a proper anniversary thread; and to another ten years.