I love okita-san's smile more than anything in the universe
>>3388634I checked my blood pressure with waifu.
>>3388681Her only fortes are swordfighting and running really fast so she would be best teaching a club or something,like the teacher of the Kendo club or a Track team.
>>3388869>How detached from "normal" society , are you?Completely isolated from it at this point,sociopath and misanthrope are the terms that fit me best. I can fake being a normal person and function in society if i try really hard but not for long, it hurts and makes me want to die so i just stopped trying,the only people i regularly interact with are my family.
>>Has this whole waifu ordeal helped you become more social or to become more isolated?Being more or less sociable both seem like impossible feats to me each for different reasons, but she did make me actually enjoy living and be happy somehow,which i never thought would happen in this lifetime. Let it be heard,waifus stops suicidal thoughts.
>>Do you still feel something for 3dpd?I haven't found 3dpd attractive sexually or romantically since i was like 12.
>>Do they catch your eye or do you scorn them?Don't particularly care about them.
>>How would you describe your waifu's eyes without using a color?the gates to paradise
>>3389161She would swiflty retrieve it unseen,no questions asked and gloat about how amazing she is after she gets it.
I think i might be getting used to this, i still get lost and a bit overwhelmed when i come back and the thread is full,sorry if i missed anything.