>>3432947>Where does she suggest you two go?Somewhere thay must've captured her interest for that night
>What would be the proper dating destination when you two are bored? Not sure I like a dinner date followed by just walking and talking and seeing if anything fun catches our eye.
>Would you try something new or go to familiar locations? Im down to try any new locations she would find since variety is the spice of life.
>Did her suggested place just so happen to be the place you would have suggested?Probably not .
>If not, would you say that you would prefer to go to the location you had in mind instead?I would try what she suggested since who knows it could very fun and she hand picked it so it must be interesting at least
>>3433593Just relaxing together and getting ready for bed. I might have to get her up first just by nudging her while telling her its time. I like to think she still works in the limo so she goes there as her job.
>>3433607Im not sure since shes never been stressed but I feel she wouldn't break down or anything and just keep on going to complete her task no matter what challenge faces her. She is very responsible.