Quoted By:
>How much change would having your waifu as your real beloved bring?
Everything would be different. My motivation would be up in all areas, I would work harder because I want to bring home more money so that I can do/give more things with/to her, and take vacations more often to be with her. I'd also work out more often than 2-3 times a week, and be less stricken by avolition when I do
>Are you ready for the one you have been yearning for so much?
Everything that needs to be in order would be in order within 24 hours if I knew I was going to meet her. I think I am pretty pretty ready, even knowing all the things that could possibly go wrong in a relationship with someone like her, she is worth the risks. She is worth dying, killing, and even living for.
>Do you have any kind of ideal and realistic circumstance or event in which the two of you would meet?
Well, the events and circumstances around who she is don't happen in our world, so she would have to just sort of "appear" into it. She would have no possessions or identity, not even a birth certificate, no one would know who she is or where she came from. Where would she go? How would I even come across her? I imagine I'd just be walking along when I hear some unusual noises coming from a dumpster in it, I peer inside and see her wrapped in garbage for warmth, looking up at me with an expression like this. I wouldn't know what to do but ask her what her name is to be sure my eyes aren't deceiving me. After that, I suppose I would ask her if anyone else knows she's here, and tell her to not make any more noises as I give her my jacket, promise to return, and nonchalantly walk away with my heart pounding to make it seem like I just threw away a crappy old jacket so that no one gets suspicious and looks inside, but eventually I'll still break into a full sprint with the cold air biting painfully at my lungs as I make it to my jeep which I can use to easily and discretely move her to my warm home.