>>2208988Perfect time, part 3/4 has arrived
>You’re still asleep, drooling with an odd smile on your face>You still think your head is deeply pressed in the “valley”>Ryuko wakes you up by tapping you with her foot>”Get the hell up, Anon. We’re gonna be late.”>”Wha?... Time for school already?”>You get up slowly, remembering the secret you’ve been keeping from her>On the trolley ride to school, you look away when she wraps her arm around your’s>Worried, Ryuko plants her lips onto your cheek and asks you what’s wrong>You try to tell her it’s nothing, but she steps on your foot. Can’t get anything past her, it seems.>”Ryuko… how is your fighting against the clubs doing…?”>She blinks twice before answering, chin in palm. “Well, I still have a lot to get through. Scared I won’t make it?”>”Well, that’s the thing I-”>”Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen you cheering me on on the sidelines before…”>”Let me finish-”>”It’s only been a few days, but you should have seen me…” Her eyes widen. “Eh? Here I thought you liked me!?”>”Hold on a sec!!” You catch your breath. “The thing is… I’ve been sort of… well…”>As it turns out, you’ve never seen her Kamui transformation once. Not one single time.>When you were introduced to her outside of the classroom for the first time, you instantly fell in love with tough-fronted girl with the beautiful red strand in her fluffy hair>Not knowing how to react, you decided to try your best to avoid seeing her transform>With all the things you heard about it (the half-nakedness), you didn’t want to spoil what you had with her because of just one bloody nose>Ryuko listens to your explanation with her head cocked to one side, and laughs when you finish.>”What’s so damn funny?” You ask>”The fact that you avoided seeing it because you had a thing for me. It’s… cute, actually.”cont.