>>3121141>Is you're waifu a shower or bath person? Quick or long?Long bath. I think she'd appreciate the quiet reflection that a long bath allows for.
>Does she have a habit of saving treats (not necessarily food) for good times, rainy days, or does she use them up the moment she can?Saves them. She's the type to know that there are things better used for a later time when she'll appreciate them more.
>How often does your waifu forget what she walked into a room for?Not often. She's good at keeping everything in order in her brain.
>We're between two Easters - what would you gift your waifu? Does she even care? Would she eat chocolate for breakfast? Does she share things out of concern for her waistline, or does she hoard eggs to herself?Just flowers. I doubt she cares too much. No. She prefers having a morning routine, and chocolate for breakfast would shake that up too much. She'd share, not out of concern for her waistline, but because that's the type of person she is.
>Is she the type who doesn't like holiday goodies hanging around after the date or would she think chocolate is chocolate so long as it's still good to eat?She'd probably mind, but not too much. My waifu is a visually oriented person, so chocolate bunnies past Easter or heart-shaped candies past Valentine's would set that off.