>>3370371I don't have any, I don't think any exists.
>>3370373I try to avoid posting anything really lewd so that's something. I dunno what she'd think honestly.
>>3370374I can't imagine her being successful as an idol, or even wanting to be one.
>>3370375Not tsun at all. Kindness seems to be the main thing she appreciates, though she hasn't really shown explicit dislike of anyone unless they're acting really weirdly.
>>3370394She got pretty self conscious the one time she put on a little weight before so she'd waste no time getting rid of it.
>>3370401Autumn, something about it just suits her.
>>3370436Whatever urges she has at the moment, she doesn't think much beyond that.
>>3370655She's got a nice one, can you blame me? I think she'd definitely get annoying with frequent perving, though I'm not the type to be a constant horndog anyways.
>>3370689She can handle a phone, I think that's about the extent of it.
She's more of a fighter than a dancer, though she's very acrobatic.
I'd hope not but given her track record with addiction I could see it happening.
She is not very bright or clever, but I wouldn't call her stupid either.
Both get some attention but I'd say hometown overall because of her spats.
>>3370843She is not really scared of anything.
I'm not sure, possibly sweet but she likes both.
She doesn't really have any.
All in, knowing how reckless she can be.
To the future where hopefully immortality has been figured out for other people so she can finally be happy.
I can't and they probably wouldn't understand so I'd just downplay it as being a crush or something.
>>3370884I can't imagine her wanting to be either of those, or either one really working with her personality, but I'd be interested to see her interpretations of both. I guess seeing her possibly in a suit for the former one would be more interesting.