>>3206601>Do you fap to your waifu?I really try not to. She means so much more to me than that, and it really disappoints me how many people I see imply that she's only good for her sexuality.
>>3206953>What's the craziest, most absurd thing you ever done to your waifu or in your waifu's name?I think at one point I'd collected over 7,000 images of her. I'd even taken to editing images of the MC to make her look like Chara. Now I'm a lot more particular about what images I save. I noticed a lot of the ones I had didn't really portray her very well.
>>3207253>Question: If waifu were a flavor of ice cream, what would she be.Neapolitan, for sure: vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.
>>3207307>Your waifu finds a lost wallet on the floor. It has cash. A lot of cash. What does she do?Probably ignore it.
>>3207467>I have a question for all people with waifu. do you find it hard to connect with other who don't have a waifu like you?Most of the people I talk to outside of these threads don't have a waifu, but they tend to be very understanding about it when I explain how much having Chara in my life has helped me become a better person.
>>3207622>Which word do you think best represents your waifu?Joy
>>3207653>Does your waifu like to wear dresses, or would she prefer to stay in more casual clothing?She definitely prefers casual, but she does look really cute in a dress.
>What does a hug from her feel like?Like being hugged by an angel.
>>3207801>Do any of you have a fear that your waifu will reject you if you met?I've mentioned here before about how I don't think she could ever trust anyone again after having been betrayed by her adoptive brother. I could definitely see her not wanting to be too close to me if we "really" met. There's also a part of me that thinks that, because I'm one of the very few people that truly understand her, she might be willing to open up to me, and that maybe all she's done to help me is a sign of that. I just don't know.