>>3462206>Favorite imagesI'm the biggest fan of both official art and anything that can do a decent job replicating it's style.
>>3462323I'd like to lay atop a rooftop with her and watch a firework display together.
That'd be nice.
>>3462594Plane, she likes high places so plane makes the most sense.
As for public transport, she'd probably just getting around on foot, jumping across buildings and whatnot, it's less of a hassle.
>>3462607Despite being a bit of a hard-ass, she's all too innocent when it comes to 'other topics'.
Meaning the mere mention of anything even remotely lewd would turn her red in the face.
>>3462664Hm, thinking about it, she doesn't laugh often in series, so it's a struggle to think of what might actually tickle her funny-bone.
She'd have a soul-piercing gaze.
But it goes against her morals to ever harm a human when her job is to protect human lives.
>>3462872If she started getting pouty, it'd be a humorous facade that I'd end up laughing off.
If I'm seeing friends, I'd let her know she's welcome to come along, if it's a family affair, she'd understand, she has a rather overbearing 'family' of her own after all.
>>3462943She's a wonderful singer, I love her character songs.
Me, not so much, I was the vocalist of a shitty metal band back in highschool.
Still, we'd probably just go wild and have fun.
>>3463430If retaining all her in series abilities, she'd fare just fine.
I'd cope, I'd always retain my humanity with her at my side.