>>3547074>>3545283She can be such a dork, but it's absolutely adorable. In some iterations, she was exclusively raised in another dimension and doesn't understand the tenants of human interaction well at all. All things sexual - any innuendos or jokes - will go directly over her head. In the series, she's mostly too stoic to allow anything to get to her, but it's quite charming to see her acquiesce to having fun or relaxing. Overall, 7/10.
>>3545285Raven is the daughter of an extra-dimensional, reality warping entity bound by necessity to emotional neutrality. She possess powers that can invoke sensations and bring you places more obscure and bizarre than any drug possibly could. To answer the question, no. That being said, DMT for spiritual enlightenment would be... interesting.
>>3545401She invokes strong feelings of passion in me, and, every time that occurs, I attempt to translate that into poetry. What's more, I'm still writing an epic that will eventually feature her.
>>3545915In the Wolfman run, she, ignorant to the fact that it was literally terrifying them, would send nightmarish dreams to those whose help she wished to solicit in order to impart upon them the severity of what the future held. In the series, she was enraged by a fellow named Dr. Light and upon him unleashed an admittedly tame portion of her demonic self. Pic realted, it scared her friends.
>>3546051Yes and no. Typically, when someone refers to her as best girl they most definitely mean most attractive (which she is). I would prefer for them to appreciate the nuance of her character, but I can't help but be elated when someone senses her prominence.
>>3546104No. While I've never contemplated it deeply or considered it in reality, the thought of getting a small Raven tattooed somewhere exists within my mind. It's unlikely that I'll get such a thing, though, consider that Raven, through mediation, exists in my mind as well.