Bikko... BIKKO!!!
>>3624757>Fishin'?She'd love fishin'. Good way to slow things down, maybe burn through a few packs. She might resist the idea at first, but she'll get hooked fast. heh.
>>3624758> AC or DOOM?Neither. Too expensive. She'd like AC if she gave it a shot though, I bet.
>>3624760> Get along with kids?Not good. She scares 'em. Bikko likes fuckin' with them too much to be of suggestible company. Also, she's a walking asthma hazard lel.
>>3624764>Most iconic feature?Well her 2nd most iconic feature would be her hair. I'd help her dye in the black parts when they get faded. I got no weird ideas for her 'most iconic feature' though.
>>3624782>Music Genre?Straight up Shinjuku Punk. URYAH!! She was in one a those bands for a while.