My love for my wife feeds my spirit and makes it shine with it's light!
>>3324797An action series without overly high stakes. Barring that any of the universes similar to the real world I guess. I'd rather not see her endangering her life if I can help it.
>>3324801>What season of the year reminds you of her?That would have to be spring. A beautiful spring day is as close as you can get to perfect.
>Would she get a tattoo or some kind of piercing?No, I don't think so. That's just not her style.
>How would she fare in the wilderness with you?She'd raise complaints about the heat. I doubt she'd have any interest in traveling the desert.
>What kind of D&D character would she play (race, alignment, class)?Neutral good human monk or fighter.
>Does she look up to someone?Her parents for sure. Particularly her mother, she has often talked about what a great person she was.
>>3324810>What bending art would she use?She already has the ability to channel all 5 elements. But I guess fire.
>Has she ever confused you?There was this point in the anime when she almost coerced a grade schooler to join her because she was really angry and wanted to get back at someone. Which is kind of immature of her.
I just noticed I made her sound awful, but I value her flaws. I really do. She feels like a very human character.
>What language would she want to learn?English most likely. There was a time in chapter 4 of the LN when she tried speaking in English, it was adorable.
>>3324812>What's your waifu's favorite color?I'm guessing yellow or purple.
>What quality of hers you appreciate the most? Her cheerfulness stood out to me from the very first moment I saw her.
>Stockings or socks?Stockings.
>>3324820She usually only uses her fists but she is also proficient with the Bou, although she only used it once in the series when she had to hunt down a small phantom.
>>3324822We'd take a walk around the park before going home.