>>3544670>He does take up anywhere from 10 to 20 percent of the images on average, but that's his callI appreciate you being nice about it. But do people genuinely have a problem with how much I post? Do people want me to limit what I have to say about my Sheik just because of the image limit?
>>3544704I would want to see ones with magical powers duking it out. That would be fun to watch! Plus, my Sheik gets to take a part in it too. The husbands would have a more normal fight. It would be interesting to see the different dynamics going on at the same time.
>>3544714All is fair in love and war, my friend.
But in all seriousness, I know I talk a lot in real life, but do I really write as much as people say I do? Sure, I like to say a lot of positive things about my Sheik, but it seems like all I'm known for is how much I write. Is it really all that unique? It might be a lot for here, but is this really that much compared to people in other waifu threads like on /r9k/ or when they were on /a/?
>>3544721You're right about that. My Sheik is no pushover!
>>3544805I've written more about my Sheik than any single person, but the internet is a very large place. I have a long ways to go before I can compete with that. There 903 results on the archive when you type "Sheik". I would say that I would be maybe 830 of those. That's pretty good, but I need much more.
>>3544916My Sheik is 100% the most misunderstood girl in the entire history of waifuism and I'm pretty convinced of that fact. I've explained this in detail many, many times, so I won't do it again. In fact, I just answered a similar question a few posts up. But I guess I'll just restate it again. Could you imagine your waifu being thought of as a man by a sizable amount of people? Could you imagine your waifu being thought of as simply a disguise of another character? Imagine most people don't even think your waifu exists. How would that make you feel? It sucks. I hate it.