I want to be a depraved oni with my waifu!
>>3457594I don't know. Only seen a few. I like dumb lewd jokes usually myself, so whatever. I'm not one of the anons who goes "how dare someone depict her this way". People got their kinks, I got mine, its all good. Though I understand the current arguments in here about whoever harassing each other. Anyway like I said, I don't really very pay much attention to Riyo's stuff. No reason besides I just haven't gotten around to it. I wonder if that's why there's some Eli x Kiyo going around lately. I needed more pictures of them together. They're antics always amused me. I remember the silly snake molting NTR joke in the one comic. That was pretty good. Oh and in more recent memory the Marie kissing Jannus was pretty cute too. I don't think they're meant to be taken too seriously.