>>3508807The only thing I would want to change about her is her slight feelings of self-loathing and regret.
>>3508944Yes, very, very much so. She's made me nicer, more appreciative of other people's views, made me realize things about myself, and as a result I think I'm a much better person and poster. Before I encountered her, I never thought I'd be a waifufag and found those people a little weird. Now I'm a full-fledged waifufag. Funny how things work out, huh?
>>3509155>Are you perverted when it comes to your waifu?I mean, I like her body, but it's far less important to me than her personality, being with her and being intimate with her. Intimacy, in my opinion, is not necessarily perversion.
>Is your waifu perverted herself?I don't think I can say that with complete certainty. She has cracked a lewd joke here and there, but is that really perversion?
>>3509202Marie's at least 17 in Splatoon 1, and at least 19 at the beginning of Splatoon 2. It also seems to be implied (though it might be a piece of widely spread fanon) that time in the world of Splatoon marches forward at the same rate ours does, so she'd be at least 21 now. Of course, she could be even older; the source for her age is a very poorly translated Japanese exclusive snippet from the first game's official soundtrack that makes it slightly ambiguous.
>>3509215Slow, gentle and intimate all the way. That's the way I'd like it, and that's the way she'd like it. She's not too big of a fan of highly energetic activites.
>>3509264Why would I do that? There's nothing good to be accomplished by doing that.
>>3509286Be still, my beating heart. I think I'd probably pass out or be so excited I'd look like a chipmunk on a sugar rush.
>>3509356Anything else would be doing a disservice to her.
>>3509616I've posted her more as my love for her has grown; consistently, it started in April/May 2018 on the vidya boards. I'm not scared about posting her, but I try to not take over threads.