>>3373667You can post whatever you want, bud; it's not like I invented it. But I will say the longer you put off organizing your stuff, the worse a job it will become. I distinctly remember the day I put everything I had in order. After months of stockpiling hundreds of pictures into a single folder until it had become nearly impossible to navigate, I sat down one cold, grey January afternoon with a mug of cocoa by my side and got to work. A couple hours later, everything was labeled, and everyone with more than fifty pictures was neatly catalogued into their own folders. Now, whenever I want to post a picture of–let's say–Slipstream Tracer, all I have to do is open her folder and scroll down to the 120s. Feels good, with or without the cocoa.
>>3373890So do I, my friend. I would drag myself through a tunnel of broken glass if I knew her smile was waiting for me at the end.