>>3645445I feel as if my waifu would suffer from nightmares. i dont think shed awake crying as she honestly seems like the type to bury her emotions unless i push her to dig them up. likely i imagine that the first time i wake up at like 3am and she isnt in bed with me i go out to see her quietly drinking in the back yard, and i ask her why she's up. she wouldnt tell me at first but id just time with her outside holding her and making small conversation until she feels better, and when she's ready to sleep again id ask her to wake me up in the future when these things happen so i can spend time with her.
>>3645456hm... i think her affectionate nature to me is her most appealing trait. she's incredibly and very openly affectionate, especially physically. I think this is most notable in the lines she gets in her wedding skin, specifically
>Ugh...my body suddenly feels so weak...I’d only recover if you give me a kiss, Commanderi like that line quite a bit ^^ in the anime she exhibits her more teasing personality side, so unfortunately i dont have many example of it there
Her most physically appealing trait to me is her eyes without a doubt. i love their shape and their color and their warmth when she is happy and hopeful. they convey so much love and emotion, and they tell me everything i need to know about her. her eyes are honestly gorgeous to me
i really like your questions Sheik anon! if i may ask, how do you view her? as Zelda or as a separate individual?
Some more questions for everyone!
>When in a new city for the first time, what would your waifu do first?>Boats, Planes, or Trains?>How does she handle conflicts or disagreements?>Showers or baths?>What types of clothes do they like to wear?