>>2829019Original anon here.
Rei always had a personality in the original series, and it is the mission of Rei hater such of yourself to deny it. In the Rebuild series, the second movie had some changes to Rei that made Rei softer and pleasant. I and other say, very well, they may do so because it may be interesting if taken seriously. They took out a loan on our beliefs, and never paid back.
Rei Q is and will always be an insult character directed towards Rei, no different than Rei in Re-Take or similar works which are made by obsessed fans. It makes the character worthy of zero praise, and that's what it's getting. The only ones who praise Rei Q are in fact people who hate Rei, and there's our connection.
You are a Rei hater.
>>2829145>Every Rebuild character is different. Yes, and people such as yourself refuse to recognize how they're different and why they are different.
>The mistake the anti-Q cult has made is in declaring giving Eva fans is something different Is an insult. Rei moved from one-of-three shared lead female status with Asuka and Misato in the original series to front and center plot focal point.None of the characters are supposed to be main leads. Rei isn't supposed to be the central plot focal point or a main lead. The beauty of the original is that they simply were, and thus became something of their own. For Rei this meant praise, popularity and stardom, but it meant first and foremost that Rei was a great character.
You have misunderstood something. You are the cult, the cult of anti-Rei.