>>3642734>How does your waifu handle you?I've never been full-on drunk before so I don't know how I'd act. I'm guessing I'd either get weepy and sentimental and just repeat how much I loved her, or I'd get really handsy and lewd. I dunno how she'd react to either other than getting really embarrassed.
>>3642862>Sure you might say people change, but even so they should still retain a degree of individuality.It's true, I suppose some waifus could more realistically end up sliding into villainy due to certain events in their source material, but with others it's much harder to imagine.
>>3643000>How would your waifu handle being tickled?I bet she's ticklish, but it would fluster the heck out of her once she got over the laughing fit. She might get annoyed at me for a little bit afterwards, but not for that long.
>>3643389>Does your waifu enjoy to cook or bake?Nothing seems to imply that, the only things she's been shown eating are soup (presumably that her dad made since she's so young) and a hamburger.
>>3643446>Would waifu make a good ballerina? Would you like to dance ballet with her?She's already extra-flexible and dancing isn't that far off from fighting, she could definitely do it! But I am a lumbering ox and would only slow her down.