Quoted By:
Lise: あはは, ステージの上ではみんなのためのリィズだったけど, 今はお兄ゃんのためだけのリィズだよ? どう? 似合う? 叮愛い?
“haha, Lise performed for everyone on stage wearing this, but right now she’s all for her big brother is she not? So? Does it suit me? Is it cute?”
Saying that Lise starts to rub hard against my cheek
Theo: おっ ... お前なぁ ?
“Oi… are you?”
ふわっと甘い香りが俺の鼻腔をくすぐった. 香水だろう. 銘柄はよくわからないが妙に女を感じさせる香りだ.
A fluffy sweet scent fills my nose. Must be perfume. I’m not familiar with them but strangely it somehow does feel right for a woman.
This is also the first time I’ve been this close with one in a room with the lights turned off…
Despite knowing the danger the body responds anyway.
その部分に自らの体をこすりつけるように体をくねらせ, そし言った.
I wonder if Lise noticed it?
Her body is rubbing right up against that particular part, it seems.
Lise: 私, お兄ちゃんが好き ... お兄ちゃんのためなら, なんだってできる ...
“I, really like my big brother … for my big brother, I’d do anything …”
My heart aches at the sound of those words.
Theo: リィズ...
Lise: 安全ピンニ本で部屋の鍵を開けることも出来るよ
“By the way this room can be unlocked with a safety pin”
Theo: それはやめろ. つ一か, 今夜もそうやって入ったんだな ! ?
“Stop it. Wait, is that how you got in here ! ?”