I love you Saya
>>3775445I don't think so, her design itself is pretty simple even if her concept isn't.
>>3775450I'd say at least above average, she's a natural born hunter after all.
>>3775458>friends>>3775879>gore waifu when?Now.
>>3776261She wouldn't have any reason to. That still doesn't stop me from fantasizing about us going out on Halloween night to terrify some hapless pedestrians
>>3776338It's fine where it is. Fairly popular for a visual novel, with a few artists who like to draw her but not so big it catches too much unwanted normalfag attention.
>>3776477I think she'd like it and lean into the headpats. Maybe even smile and giggle if I'd be so lucky.
>>3777594I don't know what I'd say to Urobuchi given the chance. Probably a mix of "Thank you" and "Fuck you"
What does your waifu do to relax after a long day? Can you see her having any rituals or habits right before bed?