>>3349841>Waifu becomes real, but some things are off about her, in appearance and/or personality. Do you keep your defective waifu or continue waiting for the perfect one?Depends on what is meant by "off", because it could be otherworldly shellshock or something.
>>3349963Family and love.
>>3349941>What do you think about marrying your waifu? To be more specific, have you ever planned out what you and your waifu's wedding would be like?Honestly I really haven't. I've vaguely wondered and imagined a few details like standing with her at the alter.
>How do you feel about marriage in regards to having a waifu? Do you think it's an appropriate 'next step' or do you feel like your connection is deep enough and nothing needs to be formalized?I mean, waifu means wife, so that's how I see it.