>>3906003>What does your waifu expect from you?I think she'd expect me to be strong for her. It's hard to really know what she'd truly expect of me so all I try to do is be someone worthy to call an SO. Healthy, motivated, lots of hobbies, and most of all able to be someone she can depend on when things are hard. She needs someone who can be a support when she's at her lowest moments and I try every day to live up to that role.
A part of me feels, however, that she'd want me not to try so hard. She loves me and because of that I don't need to constantly "prove" it by working my knuckles to the bone to be what's essentially the perfect spouse. I lack the ability to slow down as well as show weakness, to her especially and I think that would cause her a lot of distress.
>>3906388Tell her I and Izumi wish her a happy birthday.
>>3904876I've done that before. It's a really bad habit to get into.
>>3903698I'm actually quite good at being alright with long periods of separation, because I know I'll always return and that's enough to keep my head up.
I'd worry more about her. Loneliness is very hard on her.
You and your waifu are going to a convention. What do you cosplay as?