>>3349273She has a lot of figures, a couple released every year since around 2010.
>>3349309She would find it tedious
>>3349333I think she would enjoy those adventure rpg type games like the witcher, I've never played them myself so can't say for sure but it sounds like something she'd enjoy.
>>3349401She would probably hang around me hoping I get better soon but not actually do much.
>>3349439I guess I'm lucky in that waifu is shown in various different forms, up until late 20s. So I don't have to imagine how she'd be, either way she doesn't age in the conventional sense.
>>3349460Maybe either Alien or Pan's Labyrinth, it would be cute to see her be scared of Alien and I think she'd enjoy the story of Pan's Labyrinth. Not sure about album, I'm not massively into music. Maybe one of Aphex twin's ambient albums but I don't know if she'd care much for it.
>>3349467Quite important, her lore is who she is after all.
I like Meme and to a lesser extent crab, otherwise I don't particularly care for any other character.
I enjoy both the LNs and the anime a lot.