>>2844664This is really great! Thanks for making such a sweet thing for Yui! I'm sure it will warm her heart very much!
Your drawings were always good but I think they've been getting even better with time too for sure! Keep it up! Have you experimented with colour yet? Also, people like your Yuis a lot, I think you should open up a pixiv account or similar, where you can reach out to more people. And in the same spirit, I hope to see many more Yuis from you! They're wonderful!
About how long did this take you to make by the way? I'm extra curious since you said you mostly drew in class.
I wish I could have done something for our sweet Yui too, but I'm still busy moving, and having Valentine's in the middle of the week wasn't ideal either. But especially because of the former, I didn't feel I could express my love appropriately for Yui since I have so little to work with, and I can't do her injustice by making something without putting my heart into it, like she would deserve. But she's been in my heart all day! And I hope next time, that I can celebrate her better! For now I just wanna say I love you Yui!
There's been a lot of new Valentine's Yuis today, it's really great! I'll be uploading some of them! This one's really sweet!
http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=61441176Valentine's reminder that Yui is love.