I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer! We're at the tail-end of it now, back into the swing of classes, work and all sorts of other commitments. As most of us will be keeping busy in the next couple of weeks, just remember there's always a little slice of /c/ here waiting for you when you get back!
If the hustle and bustle ever gets too much, just brew up a hot cup of tea, pull up a seat and let your mind rest a little as you scroll through an endless ocean of Mugi pictures.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
Continued from:
>>2456077As most of you may know from the previous threads, the exploits of our resident superstar Archive-Chan has led to the creation of a compendium of Mugi content the likes of which has never graced the internet before.
I ask anyone interested to seek them out and ask where you can download this massive folder! What better way to spread the love?
Thank you for your hard work Archive-Chan!