Winter's cold, but You keeps my heart warm!
>>3608940Fairly typical with some fitness stuff, like weight training and running.
>>3609174The aquarium mascot costume.
>>3609566I believe so.
>>3609576Surviving higher education, brainstorming ideas for poetry.
>>3610389She'd be Nǐ dùbiān, a famed naval captain with training in hand-to-hand and saber combat.
>>3611233She enjoys dancing. I couldn't name any styles. I've never been one for dancing and I'm still not, but I can see myself making an effort with her encouraging me.
>>3611446I'd like to see her in her desired profession of captaining a ship. There's plenty of art of her wearing a captain's uniform.
>>3613266My waifu is a good idol.
>>3613785She reminds me of all the time I haven't experienced.
If your waifu owned a ship, what would she name it?