>>3325751I'm not really sure. Some sort of clothing seems possible.
>>3325939>>Is your waifu ticklish?Pretty badly, yeah.
>>What is the most romantic thing you can see your waifu doing for you?Setting up a trip someplace.
>>What is the most romantic thing you can do for them?Learning to do her hair and nails. I'd love to spend a day making her feel pretty.
>>What would a picnic with your waifu be like?Pretty normal, I think.
>>Is your waifu the type to go caroling for Christmas?Definitely, just because it would seem fun.
>>What would be your waifu's favourite Christmas song?https://youtu.be/gFtb3EtjEic>>3325967It's too early for me to feel comfortable doing something like that and I'm not sure they would like someone not in an anime or manga in it still.