>>3569712>What sort of sports would your wife play?Probably none of them
>If she wouldn't, why not?Just doesn't seem like the thing she would be interested in.
>>3569715>To what extent does your wife expect your help with chores?I would probably have to do most if not all of the chores which is fine.
>Would you help her even if she doesn't need it?Of course.
>>3569804Maybe keep it pretty classic with little chibis of us at the top.
>>3570189Basically just standard self-improvement stuff.
>>3571266Sometimes I cant help but crack a smile and get a weird feeling in my chest
>>3571428Kinda, If you count my life but it was consenual on both sides to fight each other.
>>3571478>How often would you and your wife visit your family?Not sure whenever they asked us over we could come I suppose.
>And what about hers? Probably just as infrequent due to her siblings doing other things and assisting their guest.
>Would it be more of a fun time or a chore for her?No idea
>Would she act differently around them?Probably not
>Can your waifu read?I would say yes.
>would she be a quick reader or would it take her a little more time?I like to imagine she goes at a pretty normal pace for reading.
>Would she be able to do so without pauses or any problems?Depends on whatever she is reading if it had a words with Ls and Rs or just really complex names or phrases then there is a chance she might mess up saying that word