>>3850933>>will you hug your waifu tight?Yes.
>>What are the reasons why you love your waifu so much?Lots of questions, so imma keep it short. A lot of reasons.
>>What do you think about her as a character, is she a good one?Being responsible.
>>Which are your two favorite animes/tv programs, would she like them?Food Wars and Noblesse.
>>Did you play to become a waifufag?Nope.
>>Does anyone know about your love?Many does. I'm open about it.
>>Would you be willing to dom for your waifu?Yes. Very much so, yes.
>>And Sub?Y E S
>>Did your waifu introduce you to new fetishes or reinforce any of your fetishes?None actually.
>>Would you cry in front of your waifu?I would.
>>Is there something that you NEED to absolutely change for her whatever ?None.
>>Do you consider your waifu to be your spouse, boy/girlfriend or simply your waifu?she's my gf
>>3850971>What happened?Nothing special. I don't want to talk about it.
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