>>3554685I don't think Miia could drive even if she wanted to. Unless technology evolved to make it possible for lamias to drive motor vehicles, but I don't see that happening ever.
>>3554689Despite her childhood surroundings, Miia is a pretty traditional girl as far as romance is concerned. Faithful, loyal, wants to be a good housewife, wants to be yours and for you to be hers. That kind of thing.
>>3554692I wouldn't like it very much. I mean, my childhood was pretty good moreorless, but I wouldn't wanna relive it if it meant the love of my life saw me as just some kid.
>>3554697Any role that DOESN'T involve cooking in the kitchen. Maybe dishwashing or waiting tables, talking with customers, just as long as she doesn't make the food.
>>3554759Miia is savvy enough to know how to use a computer to shop online for clothes. I think she has her own cellphone
>>3554891Just put "Shiek" in your filters so you hide his posts. It's what I do.
...I kid, I only said "It's what I do" that to further encourage you to do it. I don't hide posts I don't like because I'm not a pussy bitch.
>>3554781That's a good question. She did once go on a shopping spree in the first one or two chapters of her story, and had a good three or four bags in her possession full of clothes, plushies, and other things from her day in town.
I'd love to take her to the 109 Building in Shibuya and take her clothes shopping though. I know she'd love that a lot.
What would be something you think you could do to show her a fun time?
After my experience in Shibuya, I know a wonderful arcade we could go to and play all sorts of fun games together. There was one called Quiz Magic Academy 7, and it'd be fun to go into a panic as we both try and think and remember what the name was of the Queen of Scotland around the time of Queen Elizabeth I who was imprisoned and then executed by her, only for Miia to laugh when I tell her I should've known it was Mary Stewart because I heard about it from JoJo.