>>4384710No, that's alright, I understood what you meant.
>>4384717>Phd?Soon enough, yes.
>>4384721>calendars>>4384802 pic is from that, as it happens. It's a very nice image, just one of the non-erotic ones.>>4384723We are more alike than I realized. For me it was when Netflix acquired the distribution rights to the series. I knew then it would be inundated with braindead 'fans' that only know how to regurgitate memes and platitudes. I typically like things I love to stay obscure and marginal, or at least not mainstream. Not really a hipster thing as much of a 'tired of idiots'.
>>4384729> i only understood that if I didn't change my attitude and deal with the trauma I would end up like Asuka and that Rei is loveHey, someone learned the correct lesson from Eva. Eat shit Anno. lol.