Ryuuko is indeed a beautiful girl. I love her so much.
Well, I's hard to say scince she doesn't have a pet.
>>3306612She can do both
>>3306619She looks after her hygiene, but she d really care about how messy is her hair.
She has a PhD at kicking ass
It's hard for me to tell.
>>3306622Super fluffy hair
Probably smells like fresh laundry
She's really good at riding a motorcycle motorcycles and scooters.
>>3306695Well, of course something like that can always happen. That's why it is so important to keep loving her no matter what.
>>3306724She doesn't play vidya, or maybe I just never seen her playing.
>>3306759Quite... A lot...
>>3306790She would be shocked for a second and then have a red blush. What would happen after is a mystery.
>>3306818Her anime ended a long time ago, but Trigger farm remembers.
She has only one and only canon, at least until the game comes out.
>>3306827Yeah, why not?
>>3306851By some desserts and have a tea party.
>>3306868I hope that she already knows rock.