>>3202576Suguri makes my heart skip a beat
Because she is so sugary-sweet
>>3203290>What is something she could talk about all day?Her life's history might take more than a day.
Jokes aside, I don't really know.
>Do you think she prefers surprises or having everything planned beforehand?I think she'd prefer surprises. They go well with being laid-back.
>>3203744Suguri always wants to get along with anyone. One would have to be obstinately vicious to get on her bad side.
>>3204015Suguri's existence during an apocalypse would probably mean salvation. There's a lot she can immediately offer with her abilities--for example, she can rapidly deliver relief and supplies to survivors in need because of her speedy flying--and she is security for the future, too, as she can restore the planet.
>>3204060Most likely not. She refuses to die, no matter what. If she thought there was an afterlife, I think she'd have thoughts of letting herself pass away to reunite with her father and such; however, she holds dearly to her memories while continuing to live, instead.
>>3204756I hope it never comes down to that, pissing off a person who carries lasers and flamethrowers could be a bit spicy, even if she holds back.
Likely, I may have said something to tease her about her height.
Maybe making her a dessert like flan would work.
>>3205694Unexpected. Thank you, it looks nice.