>>2464608>>2464610>>2464612>>2464613Daily reminder that if Lamias determine you to be a worthy male, they abscond with you to their village where you are repeatedly made love to by a harem of beautiful, loving, passionate snake-women and kept as an adored communal concubine in an opulent desert palace.
If Centaurs determine you to be a worthy male, you get the privilege of literally sharing the bed with the woman you love, as she is railed by her brutish husband while you watch. If you are LUCKY, the two of you get to have your own affair where you cuckold an innocent Centaur man and get to live a secret relationship based on adultery and shame. Oh, and what sex you do get is Horse Pussy sex.
Daily Reminder: Even Lamia culture is better than Centaur culture. By several light-years. Just in case you needed even MORE evidence of which Monmusu-species was the best.