>>3154172>Who is your Waifu? Rem!
What does she do?
she works as a maid
she protects her friends and loved-ones
she cooks and cleans and knits
and most importantly, acts cute!
>>3154372>what's something they could talk about for hours?our plans for the future mainly. she loves to talk about how bright the future will be, and what she wants to do. we could also talk about all her maid knowledge, maybe even teach me how to take care of a house for myself
>>3154527>What does your loved one think of gratuitous violence in media?most likely against it. rem doesn't like violence, she'll only resort to it if herself or her friends are in danger. she'd probably stay away from overly violent movies or shows or games
which is fine, there's tons of shows and games we could play together that arent violent, and she'd love them!
>>3155952>So how do you think your parents would react if you introduced her to them?my parents never really were proud of me, so something like this would only further disappoint them. I wouldn't want to put Rem through that kind of embarrassment, so I'd keep her from them. Which I believe is good, they'd only be a negative influence on our relationship.
>now I mean if she was there in personif she was actually physically there then maybe they'd accept her. though again, I wouldn't trust my parents to treat her right
>Would they like her personality and appearanceprobably her hair mainly appearance wise. Rem is a very kind and supportive person, so perhaps they'd like that as well.
>>3156166>What does a typical evening look like with your waifu?I imagine special nights would involve much more romantic things. For typical average day evenings, maybe we'd be watching TV together or playing a game and just relaxing and having fun. if not that, she'd be teaching me how to work around the house or maybe we'd even be cooking together and cleaning up our room! after whatever we'd be doing, we'd retreat to our room and cuddle until we fell asleep.