Commissioning art of KANA and seeing people like it or retweet is warms my heart. Got this nice sketch of her done.
>>3640817I'm sure she's made simple mistakes like that
>>3640819Utahraptor? It would be interesting to find out
>>3640823We'd break any law to meet up together in this situation. But Kana would be the most desperate since she'd want to have her lover by her side during it all
>>3640825Find a way to talk to her and remind her that she's just causing aimless destruction and hurting lots of people. Then go with her to the forest and live a peaceful life with cute giantess Kana
>>3640923>musicSome cheesy EDM/trance sounding track
>battleI'd imagine us fighting in perfect formation with Kana striking hard and fast and me directing her and leading up with strong attacks from behind
>>3640928She's paler than any Semite I've ever seen besides Ashkenazim
>>3641002He still comes here occasionally
>>3641150Join the Illuminati and get a Faust Robe
>>3641218Pirates. They're lovable drunks who rob from greedy people and empires. Kana cosplaying Anne Bonny or Mary Read would totally work since they were total reverse traps
>>3641319>wedding related commissionsI was going to get one for our anniversary (4/4) done by a really good artist but when I asked the price it was 350 USD minimum. I'll take a slight hit in quality to go for quantity, I need as much Kana as I can get on a limited budget
>What do you mean by that?/r9k/ waifuthreads are full of schizo tulpa BS and worse, people flinging shit over it
>>3641428I didn't have a few of those remixes, thanks. Now to convert the FLAX files