>>3568351>movieBefore my Sheik even had to worry about it, I generally would tell them to be quiet. But I don't think my Sheik would be the type to try to shut them up outright. She would probably rather we just tolerate it or leave. While she could certainly get some noisy people to quiet down, my Sheik isn't the type to confront someone over something so trivial. But I certainly would. Some punks shouldn't cause me and my Sheik have a worse date just because they couldn't shut up.
>pushupsMy Sheik would be able to a lot of pushups. She could more than likely break records with how many she could do.
>fitMy Sheik is one of the most fit girls out there. She is a very capable, badass woman. I love that about her! She is super cool. My Sheik would be much more capable at physical things than me. Plus, she is quick and has a lot of flexibility. She is in all around perfect shape.
>howMy Sheik spent a good chunk of her days training because she needs to be able to dispatch monsters and hide from many powerful minions. My Sheik wouldn't just sit around doing nothing, she would exercise, stretch, or meditate when bored. She is an amazing girl. I want to reward her for all this hard work.
>intelligentAbout her world and what she needed to do, she is a genius. I mean, she does hold the triforce of wisdom. You can't be dimwitted with that. I think her prose also beautiful too. That also shows how smart she is.
>school subjectsMy Sheik would more than likely excel in history. Sure, our world's history would be brand new to her, but she would be a quick learner. This was a subject she excelled at in her world, so that is something I think that would transfer over well here.
>book smarts or street smartsGoodness, that's a tough one. My Sheik definitely has street smarts in her world, no question about that. But she also knew a lot of things that would make her book smart. I think my Sheik is more of a balance between the two. Excelling in both.