>>4194894I'm in the same boat. I strongly prefer UBW to the other routes. (UBW>Fate>HF, speaking personally.)
But that being said, even if I actively hated any of the routes, there is no escaping a shit storm if they all weren't included.
Now, they could pull some bullshit where the plot invalidates the other three routes. Oh, some crazy mage fucked with time and merged all three routes into one singular starting point and...what am I getting HA flashbacks? Surely, it's nothing to worry about.
In all seriousness, baring something silly like that (which I could see them doing) the workload would be similar if they went with a common villain/issue as the main obstacle to overcome.
That works well enough. Now, it would be far cooler if we had three conflicts/villains giving us three separate stories, but the end result of that may just end up being three milquetoast routes. So safer to pass.
As a side note, from a plot perspective, it would be very hard to avoid the inherent power creep. Especially in UBW Shirou is incredibly powerful, as is Rin. So the judicious use of said powers and a commensurately powerful villain would be essential.