>>3202067>>>/cm/>>3213187I calculated some hard data on this and you might be surprised.
The 2015 suicide rate for the anime demographic (males aged 15-24) is not significantly higher in Russia (28 per 100,000) than it is in the US (20.1 per 100,000) In fact, the Russian suicide per capita in this demographic has been declining since at least 2000 - in the US it has been on a consistent upward trend.
I didn't finish the spreadsheet as the modafinil is wearing off but if you want to do your own, you can get suicides per age and sex here:
http://apps.who.int/healthinfo/statistics/mortality/causeofdeath_query/You can tell it was made by a government agency because it's a huge pain in the ass to use. You want to choose
>Extract data by country, year, sex and age for a few selected causes of death by coding systems>ICD-10: 101 - ICD-10 Mortality Tabulation List 1Suicide is under
>1095 External causes of morbidity and mortality>1101 Intentional self-harm>>3213884It's a reference to "Into the Wild". The artist's commentary is translated on Danbooru.